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David Arkless is ManpowerGroup's President of Corporate and Government Affairs a position he attained December 2008. David joined Manpower Inc in 1992.

David is a world-renowned expert on labor market trends and has widespread experience of helping countries to develop their labor market strategies. He is responsible for Governmental and International Affairs and as such has been called to advise the Governments of China, Mexico, Vietnam and the UAE, and various mega-cities like Shanghai. As well as being a regular advisor to the US Department of State, and various EU departments. David is also Vice President of Ciett, the  international confederation of private employment agencies. In May 2010, David became Vice President of the China International Council for the Promotion of Multinational Corporations (CICPMC) in Beijing.

David also manages ManpowerGroup's strategic relationships with high-profile organizations such as the World Economic Forum where is one of the founding members of the WEF's Global Agenda Council on the Skills Gap. He also supports partnerships with the European Policy Centre and the Clinton Global Initiative and is an Ambassador for the Centre For Social Justice, and independent think tank, based in the UK.
David received his Bachelor's degree from the University of Durham, UK and has completed Executive programs at INSEAD, IMD and the San Jose College of Business.

Diana Boersma
Ms. Boersma heads the legal and regulatory compliance effort of Genpact, a global leader in business process and technology management services with more than 55 offices in 17 countries.  Her responsibilities include interpreting and enforcing the Genpact Code of Conduct, creating training as well as managing the communication of the company policies and procedures.  Ms. Boersma manages the Genpact compliance team as well as its Ombuds program, which allows employees (and others) to report ethics and policy issues for investigation.  Ms. Boersma is a graduate of NYU School of Law and spent a guest year at Harvard Law School, and graduated magna cum laude from Bryn Mawr College.

Prof. Andreas Uthoff

(Chile) Conferencia Magistral.

Director del Instituto de Administración de Salud de Chile.
Coordinador de la Unidad de Estudios Especiales de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL). El Dr. Uthoff es Ingeniero Comercial graduado en la Universidad de Chile, y poseé estudios de Doctorado en economía en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, USA. Ha realizado investigaciones en temas de pobreza, empleo y población; ahorro y finanzas para el desarrollo; flujos de capital y política macroeconómica; reforma de los sistemas de pensiones; entre otros temas.

Thomas Wissing

(Alemania). Conferencia Magistral.

Director de la OIT México-Cuba.
Coordinador de Proyectos de Cooperación Técnica de la OIT. Especialista en Programas de Formación para la Micro y Pequeña Empresa. Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Bonn 1993 Maestría en Desarrollo Económico y Social, Instituto Alemán de Desarrollo 1995. 1995 -98 Experto Asociado de la OIT México para los programas de formación "Inicie y Mejore Su Negocio" y "Mayor productividad y un mejor lugar del trabajo" (WISE), así como para el desarrollo empresarial de microempresas y cooperativas. 1999-2000 Experto del PNUD México para el Proyecto "Programa Global para el Desarrollo de la Microempresa"con Nacional Financiera en cinco Estados de la República, principalmente capacitando los Directores de Empresas Comunitarias en temas de administración y organización. 2000-2001 Consultor del Banco Mundial en México para el proyecto "Southeast Learning and Innovation Loan" en Yucatán, Quintana Roo, Chiapas, Tabasco y Campeche, principalmente para el análisis y diagnóstico de instituciones de microfinanciamiento. 2001 a la fecha: Funcionario de Programas de Cooperación Técnica de la OIT para México, Cuba (hasta junio 2003). Haití. Diseño de programas; coordinación de estudios, seminarios, programas de formación en el ámbito laboral así como planeación, monitoreo y evaluación del presupuesto correspondiente.

Prof. Carlos Sainz Muñoz.

(Venezuela) Conferencia Magistral.

Primer Vicepresidente de la AIJDTSSGC.
Prof. Honorario de la Universidad Andina del Cuzco. Presidente del Capítulo Venezolano de la Asociación Iberoamericana de Juristas de Derecho del Trabajo y la Seguridad Social. Carlos Sainz Muñoz, reconocido profesor de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), escritor de varios libros y especialista en derecho laboral, ofreció ayer un foro sobre las reformas en la Ley Orgánica del Trabajo (LOT). La actividad de tipo conversacional, esbozó las singularidades de la legislación en relación a la constitución actual y aglutinó a cerca de un centenar de participantes en la Universidad Corporativa de Sigo. Sainz explicó que las modificaciones realizadas a la LOT, responden a la necesidad de engranar la constitución nacional actual con el estatuto laboral para maximizar su funcionamiento. “Los cambios efectuados era el paso más lógico, desde el punto de vista legal, puesto que existía una incongruencia entre los preceptos de la LOT y la actual constitución de la república”. El profesor, comentó que esta serie de eventos son de un gran significado, no sólo para los empleados, sino también para los empleadores quienes deben entender los nuevos reglamentos en el campo laboral. “Más que una reforma, para mí, representa una nueva Ley, desde todo punto de vista. Sin duda la LOT tendrá una serie de obstáculos para poder accionar de manera correcta”. Dentro del foro conversacional dictado Sainz resaltaron cuatro aspectos puntuales para los participantes. El abogado indicó que las reformas en la Ley Orgánica del Trabajo tendrán varios obstáculos significativos para el campo laboral como lo conocemos. “El reto principal será explicarle al colectivo que toda persona tiene derecho a la seguridad social como servicio público de carácter no lucrativo. Es decir que empleados y empleadores deben crear espacios para el libre empleo”. Uno de los hitos positivos dentro de la reforma es que se garantice la salud y asegure protección en contingencias de las situaciones de empleados a razón de maternidad, paternidad, enfermedad, invalidez, entre otras.

Carmelo Mesa-Lago.

Cuba / Emeritus Professor of the
University of Pittsburgh U.S.A.


Bachelor of Laws (Universidad de la Habana 1956), Doctorate on Laws(Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and certified in Social Security (OISS 1958),Master in Economics (University of Miami 1965) and Ph.D. on Industrial Relations
and Labor, specializing in Social Security (Cornell 1968).

He is a distinguished Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Pittsburgh since 1999, he was before a Holder Professor of Distinguished Service (1980-99). Professor and Researcher at the Florida International University (1999-2002). Regional Advisory in Social Security  “CEPAL”(1983-1984). Visiting Professor and / or Researcher Associate at Oxford University, “Instituto Max Planck de Derecho Social Internacional” (Munich), “Universidad Libre de Berlin” “Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset”, “Universidad de Salmanca”, “Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública”, “Instituto Torcuato Di Tella (Buenos Aires)”, “Centro Latinoamericano de Economía Humana (Montevideo),” Centro Inter-Americano de Seguridad Social (Mexico)”.
Member of the National Academy of Social Security (U.S.) and the International Journal Editorial Boardof Social Security Review (Geneva) and Ex-President of the Association of Latin American Studies (LASA, USA). Author of 73 books and 240 articles or chapters of books, most of them on social security and health, published in eight languages in 33 countries.

His books include: Social Security in Latin America: Pressure Groups, Stratification and Inequality (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1978), Development of the social security in Latin America (ECLAC, 1985), The social security crisis and health care (Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1986), Portfolio Performance of Social Security Institutes in Latin America (World Bank, 1991), Health Care for the poor in Latin America and the Caribbean (OPS , 1992), Changing Social Security in Latin America (Lynne Reinner, 1994), Do Options Exist? The Reform of Pension and Health Care Systems in Latin America (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998), Handbook of economics of social security in Latin America (CLAEH, 1998), The Reforms of pensions in Latin America and its impact on social security principles (CEPAL, 2004) and health reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean and its impact on the principles of social security (CEPAL, 2006). He is currently preparing a new book on pension and health reforms in 20 Latin American countries. Speaker in 36 countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Social Security and health consultant with OIT, AISS, OPS, CEPAL, PNUD, UNRISD, World Bank, BDI,Inter-American Foundation, USAID, OAS, GTZ, Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Konrad Adenauer. He has conducted research and / or advice on social security or health in 19 Latin American countries, three countries of the Anglophone Caribbean, two Europeans, two African and one Asian.

In 1996-2002 he conducted consultancies of pension and health reform in the six Central American countries that resulted in the publication of a dozen of reports. He has received awards from Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Hoover Institution, the President of the University of Pittsburgh, and Choice magazine, tributes for his work on social security by the American Committee of Social Security and the American Organization of Social Security, as well as research grants from the National Science Foundation, Social Science Research Council, Ford Foundation,Heinz, Kellogg, Mellon, Rockefeller and Tinker, the Fulbright Program, the Ebert and Japan foundation.

Patricia Kurczyn Villalobos.

Main Conference.

Founding member and part of the International Society
of Labor Law and Social Security. Chapter Mexico.


She graduated from the Faculty of Law at UNAM, where she obtained a lawyer degree and doctorate. She earned an honorable mention in undergraduate and a special mention awarded by the jury of the doctoral examination. She completed the master studies in sociology at the “Universidad Iberoamericana”. She obtained the diplomas of 1 and 2 cycles of Comparative Law at the International University of Comparative Law in Strasbourg, France. She also followed the course of "Industrial relations, collective bargaining and social security" in the International Seminar of Labor and Comparative Law at the Law School of Attila Jozsef University at Szeged, Hungary.

She teaches Individual Labor Law in the Faculty of Law of UNAM, since 1966; she also teaches collective labor law and procedural law in other universities and institutions in ordinary course for updating.

She works full time as a researcher at the Institute of Legal Research, in which she coordinates the area of social studies in law. She coordinates special academic events for graduate studies at the “Escuela Libre de Derecho A. C.” at Puebla. She is advisor to many agencies and the SNI recognizes her with level I.

She is the author of "The working conditions of women in collective agreements" (1975), "The New Labor Relations" (1999) and "The rights of working women" (2000). She has coordinated the following works: "Labor relations in the XXI century", “Freedom of Association: clause (2002)”, "Towards a new labor law (2003) “and “legal studies in honor of Dr. Néstor de Buen Lozano (2003) ". She has published in collective works, dictionaries and journals of law. As a speaker she has participated in numerous national and international conferences of labor law and social security as well as seminars on the occasion of the Tri-Agreement on Labor Cooperation for North America at the invitation of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and other domestic and foreign academic institutions. She was coordinator of graduates of national and international academic events.
Since December 2002 she is a member of the Advisory Board of the National Human Rights Commission.

She is also a member of the International Society for Labor Law and Social Security Chapter Mexico, in which she is a founding member and vocal. She belongs to the Mexican Bar of Lawyers, Lawyers Association and she is also the coordinator of the study commission of the rights of women at the same Association.


1.Prof. Carmelo Mesa-Lago. Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de Pittsburgh, EUA.

2.Prof. Andras Uthoff. Director del Instituto de Administración de Salud de Chile. Santiago, Chile.

3.Prof. José Antonio Mendes Pereira. Funcionario principal del Instituto Nacional de Previsión Social de Guinea-Boreal, África.

4.Prof. Ulrich Becker. Director del Instituto Max Planck para el Derecho Social extranjero e internacional, Múnich, Alemania.

6.Prof. Rolando Murgas Torrazza. Ex Ministro de Trabajo de Panamá y actual Presidente de la Academia Iberoamericana de Derecho del Trabajo, Cd. Panamá, Panamá.

7.Prof. Carlos Sainz Muñoz. Primer Vicepresidente de la AIJDTSSGC, Caracas, Venezuela.

8.Prof. Alberto Levi. Profesor de Derecho del Trabajo en la Universidad de Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italia.

9. Profa. Luisa Galantino Morlini. Profesora de Derecho del Trabajo en la Universidad de Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italia.

10.Profa. Patricia Kurczyn Villalobos. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM, México, D.F.

11.Thomas Wissing Director de la OIT México-Cuba

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