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The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of the State Government of Chihuahua and the American Association of Jurists of law "Dr. Guillermo Cabanellas" in a shared effort, and in order to unite those interested in labor law and social security issues in the search for solutions to the themes discussed, we invite all the lawyers, businessmen, workers, labor organizations, students, and generally all the people interested in the topics raised at our first World  Congress of Labor and Social Security.

Together, we have raised support in the social and economic organizations and of course in the various departments of the State Government, for the realization of this event, that will put the State of Chihuahua on a first class plane regarding the public institutions concerned with the congress topics.

Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of the State Government of Chihuahua

In accordance to the Article 24 of the Organic Law of the Executive Power of the State of Chihuahua, in its seventh fraction, it is created The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, which is a public body that runs under the constitution of Mexico and the constitution of Chihuahua that has among its powers and functions, to promote and sponsor the study of labor law and social security in the state.

Iberoamerican Association of Jurists on Labor and Social Security Issues "Dr. Guillermo Cabanellas".

The Iberoamerican Association of Jurists of Labor Law and Social Security "Dr. Guillermo Cabanellas" is an academic organization created in the City of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia in October 1995 at the same time of the labor law conference held in that city. This association was created to honor the memory of the famous Dr. Guillermo Cabanellas de Torres Latin American labor lawyer, whose work is universally known by those involved in the professional practice on the field of labor law and social security.

The American Association of Jurists of Labor and Social Security “Dr. Guillermo Cabanellas” (AIJDTSSGC) is an academic non-partisan and non-profit organization comprised of experts from Latin America; dedicated to research, study and disseminate the disciplines of Labor and Social Security. Founded in the late twentieth century by the unforgettable and tireless Puerto Rican social activist, Dr. Osvaldino Rojas Lugo, the AIJDTSSGC base its principles of social justice, honoring his work and unifying the thinking of the late and illustrious Spanish-Argentine lawyer Dr. Guillermo Cabanellas, who inspired the idea of creating such organizations on our continent to grow, develop and continuously update the world of work and social protection.

The statutes that governs the academic life of our beloved Association aims to develop bi-annual conferences to share experiences on issues that are common, in order to date and are to be at the forefront in these disciplines of enormous social impact.

It will be announced on this site, the host of the Sixth Congress of the AIJDTSSGC.

Therefore, we extend a warm invitation to all practitioners associated with these disciplines, as well as officials, teachers, students and general public who is interested in this field, we invite you, to join us in our academic work, to get involved in the issues detected and to join us in the laborious task of finding solutions.


AIJDTSSGC International President.

The Mexican Academy of Labor and Social Welfare

The Mexican Academy of Labor and Social Welfare is a civil association endowed with personality and full legal capacity  established in 1943 by the illustrious expert Don Jose de Jesljs Castorena Zavala  founding president. Since 1969 until today the academy it`s chaired by Dr. Guillermo Hori Robaina and its aims among others, its to gather the Mexican labor lawyers interested in developing the legal discipline of law, particularly issues related to labor law, social security and social welfare; all this to provide a higher education to train professionals and technicians to contribute to a social development.

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